Tag Archives: Thing-a-day (Feb)
Reflecting on Armored Handegg
Today is national stuff-yourself-and-watch-TV day for many people (and pay-thousands-of-dollars-to-chill-out-literally-in-a-stadium day for some), and Harper’s Bazaar has just the thing for women like me:
Oh wait, this advice is not for me. I really just don’t care. (Not saying you shouldn’t, just that I don’t.) One thing I do love about this time, though, is that some of my friends have used this as a day to share photos of exceptionally beautiful owls, including this, the official owl of the season:
(See it larger at mlkshk.)
But particularly when I see photos of bizarrely expensive tickets, not to mention when I hear about new stadium projects – that will allegedly bring “jobs” and “revenue” to communities but always, oddly, seem to end up skimming money for team owners and other corporations – I realize that a pretty big part of my indifference to the sport stems from some even more basic misgivings about the industry.
Read the full comic at Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal.
Blah blah pro athletes know what they’re getting into, but there’s a lot of sidetracking in the years leading up to NFL recruitment, and it’s pretty misleading and exploitive, not to mention a drag on university (and high school) resources.
Anyway, I can’t honestly say this event didn’t bring at least one smile to my face: teams from 2 states that just legalized pot getting together for a super bowl. Good thing everyone’s already stocked up on snacks!
The Strange Life of Beautiful Existence
Beautiful Existence, an Issaquah woman, is setting herself a series of extended challenges, most recently completing a year in which she obtained all her meals from Starbucks.
“I felt like it was definitely something that I could do. I had a lot of support from family and friends.”
“Starbucks puts together menu items and protein bistro boxes and you know as long as you’re active and as long as you really monitor the intake of your calories, you absolutely can lose weight and I did.”
Her challenges generally involve brands – limiting purchasing to Goodwill or testing advice in Parents magazine – although she’s also done a radical budgeting challenge.
Next up: a year of REI. Sounds like fun!
Article: Woman lives on nothing but Starbucks for an entire year
I don’t read comments at news sites, but after 20 years online I can guess how comments on this article would go. The usual gendered stuff about narcissism or selfishness, maybe some stuff about the brand orientation of her challenges, and the perpetual chorus of “too much time on her hands, I guess!” that sounds whenever someone does something that requires a lot of effort and time but isn’t sports or a traditional career.
This woman is remarkably privileged to have the support of her family for these projects, which must create substantial logistical problems. As I read this story, I felt that having that kind of freedom to make this sort of commitment to an idea is, in fact, a Beautiful Existence. I have the advantage of a very simple home life, and – like most, I’m sure – find it plenty difficult to sustain complex, lengthy projects outside the basic requirements of daily life. My coping strategy has been to try to make sure I have lots of options at different levels of effort so I can actually finish something once in a while. And I doubt I’ll ever have a local news mention to show for that, let alone one that gets picked up nationally.
I wish we had more social support overall for this kind of project. One of the things that makes humans so interesting is how idiosyncratic their passions or focuses can be. Artists of all kinds can be extreme examples of this, but we all know people with surprisingly specific – and sometimes just surprising – hobbies or collections. Collecting may be a gateway activity for some people – collect … make … present, teach, convene. An “embrace and extend” that actually adds value instead of ending in extinction.
I hope Beautiful Existence won’t be troubled by the inevitable range of reactions she’ll get. People online can get so hostile and intrusive, and she’s probably pretty easy to find. I also hope that a few people will think to themselves, “OK, not sure I could do that, but a year-long challenge sounds like it could be fun – maybe I’ll do ‘Photo A Day’ this year after all.”
And for those who don’t want to commit to a whole year, there’s always Thing-A-Day, the annual month-long “creative sprint” that is conveniently scheduled for February. In fact, I think I’ll do that one again myself.
Spoonflower Is Delightful
It’s coming up! February. Now is when I start making a list of things I’d like to make and thinking about getting any supplies I need. Whee!
And just today a coworker told me about a wonderful fabric website!
Coincidence? Or conspiracy!
In Process!
I couldn’t finish the whole of Thing 28 by midnight, and it’s a gift, so the main part I have finished is not ready for publication, but this secondary part is, and it seemed like a fitting end to Thing-a-day. This is a bean-bag toy’s innards – a muslin peritoneum filled with flaxseed and with a little something inside that can easily be felt when the toy is assembled. A fitting finish for this month!
Moods of Roscoe
Embroidered Scene
French Knots!
The first few (dozen) times I tried the round embroidery stitch called a French knot, my stitches knotted too soon, and they looked like crap. Then I managed to do a couple clean, and felt like I’d gotten it.
So I ripped out all my failed stitches and tried French knots in 5 different sizes … in these breaking waves. Yay!
Finished Kitty
I straight-stitched the stripes on and then sewed front to back and stuffed kitty. Not exactly the result I’d planned, but I’m making progress matching the result to the intent.
The eyes are much lighter in this picture only partly because they light was different; in the first picture, the fabric and floss were still wet from being rinsed.