Tag Archives: advertising

Dafoe Dafoe Dafoe Dafoe Dafoe Dafoe Dafoe Dafoe Dafoe Dafoe Dafoe Dafoe

I couldn’t care less about Jim Beam, but this is a beautiful ad.

It stars Willem Dafoe in about a dozen roles. It is directed by Dante Ariola, whose “First Taste” (for Coke) also touches on branching out, while his “Idle Thumbs” (for Virgin Mobile) tackles a series of characters. He also made one of my favorite ads: “Snowball” for Travelers. He does a nice job with these stream-of-situations stories. Maybe because of all his videogame work!

Super Bowl Ads 2011

Hate football so much you can’t even sit through one game a year so you can see the most fussed-over, expensive ads unveiled on television? Never fear: Fanhouse has em all.

Marvel at the just plain weirdness of the Coke Dragon ad (and Coke’s complete redemption with Border Guards). Recoil at the crass commercialization of Tibetan suffering by Groupon. Contemplate whether Darth Vader kid in the VW ad is a girl or boy.

Gotta watch ’em all.


If you’d rather read something thoughtful and insightful, here is a bonus link about advertising, sort of: an excellent article discussing how meta Mad Men really is.

W+K Old Spice Campaign Just Got Better

I know, right!?!

Got a question for the Old Spice man? Want to comment on his amazing abs? Do it. Reach out on Twitter, facebook, or your personal blog. He will find it and respond. You can follow the action on Twitter or on the Old Spice brand channel.

They have made a ton of these already, and Mustafa continues to be utterly charming. The man is a complete professional. Which of course is why I am so interested. Because after 15 years in the advertising industry, I deeply appreciate this kind of dedication and excellent creative. Yep.

UPDATE: Making the Old Spice response videos. They have made over 150 so far (June 14)!

Oh and he sent real flowers in real life to Alyssa Milano! I love this campaign.

I am in love with it.

I want to marry it.

UPDATE, June 15: Throwing in the towel. Don’t get excited, though – towel not actually thrown.