Category Archives: Thing-a-day (Feb)

Thing-a-day 28: In Process!

I couldn’t finish the whole of Thing 28 by midnight, and it’s a gift, so the main part I have finished is not ready for publication, but this secondary part is, and it seemed like a fitting end to Thing-a-day. This is a bean-bag toy’s innards – a muslin peritoneum filled with flaxseed and with a little something inside that can easily be felt when the toy is assembled. A fitting finish for this month!

Thing-a-day 25: French Knots!

The first few (dozen) times I tried the round embroidery stitch called a French knot, my stitches knotted too soon, and they looked like crap. Then I managed to do a couple clean, and felt like I’d gotten it.

Thing 25: French Knots!

So I ripped out all my failed stitches and tried French knots in 5 different sizes … in these breaking waves. Yay!

Thing-a-day 23: Somebody Else’s Thing

A coworker brought these to the office today. She had been enchanted by the strawberry marshmallows but pronounced this result a failure. “They taste like Fruity Pebbles.” As if that’s a bad thing. Anyway, I took care of ’em for her. And made a picture before I did.

Thing 23: Somebody Else's Thing

Thing-a-day 22: Finished Kitty

I straight-stitched the stripes on and then sewed front to back and stuffed kitty. Not exactly the result I’d planned, but I’m making progress matching the result to the intent.

Thing 22: Finished Kitty

The eyes are much lighter in this picture only partly because they light was different; in the first picture, the fabric and floss were still wet from being rinsed.