Tag Archives: twitter

Mayor Emanuel

Rahm made a great showing in Chicago for the mayoral race, both in real life and in … not-so-real life. Read Snarkmarket’s roundup on the election-runup activity from one of the funniest Twitter parody accounts around.

UPDATE: @MayorEmanuel revealed by Alexis Madrigal! Madrigal drew out the mind behind the Twitter stream, and gives lots of great backstory detail.

I Kissed a Bitch

From a blog post by a father who wishes he could adorn his children with a magical headband to protect them from the grotesque and misleading imagery out there in the world:

Jessica Alba and Friend

This photo (of Jessica Alba) is used in a post featuring handwringing about Katy Perry, whom this blogger believes is a real danger to girls. As he writes about Perry’s little splash in a post dedicated to considering that danger:

This is an alarming trend as the song itself promotes unhealthy relationship between same sex genders especially for easily impressionable young females. Imagine this song becoming the talk of school playgrounds, neighborhood backyards or even at dinner tables. Little girls experimenting among themselves to see whether if the song is true or not. What would you say as a parent if your daughter brings up the content of this song? Is it ok to kiss another girl? Is it normal? Is it natural?

This blogger came to my attention when he sent a request to follow my Twitter stream (I wonder why he thinks he wants to). Almost makes me want to accept – and then really start twittering. A lot.