Seven Deadly Sins

Galleries 1988 puts on a large show called “Crazy 4 Cult,” an annual show in which artists pay tribute to cult classics.

This piece will be featured:

It’s a modern adaptation of Heironymus Bosch’s 1485 painting, “The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things,” also in wheel form, but look closely at Dan Lydersen’s depictions (OK, go to the G 1988 blog entry about it or to the page at Dan Lydersen’s website to get large enough images to see detail).

The original is 30 inches across and will be shown at G 1988 LA through August 8. Learn about the other artists and what works and prints are available at the Crazy 4 Cult website.

I’m feeling particularly intrigued by this piece right now, because when I’m not at my job, I’m home watching movies (or worse, TV shows on DVD) and wallowing in one of the classics: Sloth. So I have deliberated over this work of Lydersen’s and decided it is time for another month of Thing-a-Day, here in August. As a nod to my slothful ways, though, I’m not actually producing anything until tomorrow.

Wish me luck. I’ll need it.