Horatio meets a bee
Horatio meets a bee

I'm Caitlin Burke. I write about health, take photographs, and make things with my hands.

Our Little Medical Marvel
Horatio’s eyes changed color after surgery.

“Is a fitness tracker right for you?” A repeatedly missed opportunity in mainstream media
The answer is not obvious, which makes it hard to fit into common journalistic formulas.

Why don't fitness apps work?
A Quora answer to a question close to my heart.

Do fitness trackers actually work?
Another angle on fitness tracker nuances.

Is 10,000 steps a day good for you?
I mean, yeah, but is it mandatory? No. Enough? Also no.

Men’s Health and the Foam Finger
On the enduring oddity of thinking men and women have nothing in common + the importance of good storytelling.

“Should I eat ‘Paleo’?”
Maybe? But beware the arbitrary restrictions and the hype.

When a Woman Gets Negged
Bullying, sadly, often begins at home.

Pets and the Parent-Child Dyad
I knew it.

Exploring Historical Arts

Bronze Age cultures in the Carpathian Basin made beautiful, whimsical pots, often with animal features.
I have been replicating some of them.

I also make illustrations based on medieval marginalia and put them on stickers and other stuff.

Need contact? Send email.
